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A Great Site to Make Money Online by Uploading Files | ShareCash.org

There are a lot of ways to make money online and it is always up to us to make the choice. Previously, I have written blog post about how you can make money using photos at 12 Websites to Make Money Online using Photos. On the Internet, almost everything can be converted into money and this post, I will share with you how you can make money by uploading files (any files: photos, PDF, text file, videos, songs, music etc.).

Everything can be a money making opportunities online if you use the right techniques and the right website.

One of the famous site that is easy to make money by uploading files is known as ShareCash.org. Previously, you might have read about how you can make money online by uploading files at Uploading.com and FileServe, ShareCash.org will be an alternative to make extra money online using your files.

How to Use ShareCash.org?
It is very simpleto make money using ShareCAsh.org. Register for Free Account, Upload Your Files and Make Money Online using ShareCash.org.

Is ShareCash.org Better Than Other Sites (Make Money Online by Uploading)?
If you have been using Uploading.com or Fileserve.com, you will notice that they have ranking for your downloads. The higher you rank, the higher you get paid per download and your file size must be more than 1MB per file to get paid for each valid download.

Personally, my files are free ebooks for all blog readers which are under 1MB. So, when blog readers download my ebook, I do not get any payment at all because my files do not exceed 1MB. So, even there are people downloading my files, I do not get paid.

That is why I am using ShareCash.org now.

How Much is ShareCash.org Paying Per Download?
ShareCash.org is paying users for every download. On average, ShareCash.org is paying around $0.60 per download. Some download can reach up to $0.80 or $1.00 per download while some download can reach up to $10.00 per download. Personally, I feel that this is great because we can actually earn more using smaller file size, let people download our file for free and get paid a small amount of money.

Is It Possible to Make Full Time Income using ShareCash.org?
I think that it is possible as long as you are dedicated to it. You can write the information your would like to share in ebook and convert them into PDF files. Then, upload your files to ShareCash.org.

Promote your download links to get more people to download your files. I am sure you can make good income from ShareCash.org.

There are people making over $400.00 per month using ShareCash.org. I am trying to reach my goal of $25.00 per month using ShareCash.org. I hope I can reach my goal soon and share with you my payment proof.

Make Money Using Photos and Videos | ShareFoco.com

I found a great site to make money by getting views on your online contents such as images and videos. I know that some of you might be good at creating videos and submit them to YouTube to get views and subscribers, now you can actually make some extra money using your videos. In addition to make money using your videos, you can also make money using your photos/images based on the number of views on your photos.

The site I found is known as ShareFoco.com. Signing up now is Free and Sign Up Bonus $0.50 is given.

How ShareFoco.com Works?

ShareFoco.com is a special site with the idea of making money by generating views to your photos and videos. This is a new idea because this is the first site I found which allows members to make money using videos. So, I think that by combining photos and videos, members can actually make good income using ShareFoco.com.

I have sign up for ShareFoco.com because now ShareFoco.com is giving USD$0.50 Sign Up Bonus. If you are interested, you can join ShareFoco.com and get the USD$0.50 Sign Up Bonus as well.

How Much Money You Can Make From ShareFoco.com
ShareFoco.com is paying the members using points. Basically, 1500 points equals to USD$1.00. The more points you get, the more money you can make. You can check the ShareFoco.com pay table below:

As you can see, each and every views on your photos and videoss is making money for you, so why not give ShareFoco.com a try? I think that it is worth a try and I join ShareFoco.com. Now, I have written this post to share with you this great opportunity to make money online.

How to Make Money From ShareFoco.com?
ShareFoco.compays members based on the number of views generated on photos and videos submitted by members. The more views you get on your photos and videos, the more money you can make. Yu can link your photos using your blogs, Facebook account, Twitter etc. All the views generated can earn money for you in ShareFoco.com.

You can check their payment history above. They already paid more than USD$98,000.00 to members. So, I am sure ShareFoco.com is going to be a great site for us to make a lot of money online.

Minimum Payout using ShareFoco.com and How to Get Paid using ShareFoco.com
The minimum payout is very low and I am sure we can easily reach the payout. The minimum payout is USD$5.00 and you can get paid using PayPal and Liberty Reserve. For me, I am using PayPal so I chose PayPal as the method to get paid once I reach the minimum payout of $5.00. 

Make Money Using Photos and Make Money By Creating Videos

With this combination, I believe that we can make good income using ShareFoco.com because photos and videos are the most important media on the Internet. Photos and videos are easier to get more views because a picture can tell a thousand words. So, even if you can write a thousand words, it does not guarantee you can make thousand dollars but if you are using photos or videos, making money based on number of views increases the possibilities of making huge income using ShareFoco.com.

Since ShareFoco.com is quite new and it is really paying all the members, so I am going to give it a try. I hope my photos can make good income from ShareFoco.com and I can show you my payment proof as soon as possible.

Common startup mistakes that everyone should avoid

The only possible way to fall short is if you neglect to learn from those that have gone before.  So here are just a few of the most universal setbacks that you’ll certainly want to steer clear of when you open the doors to your new business venture.
  1. An incomplete plan.  As any business owner (or recent business student) knows, you must have a comprehensive business plan in order to move forward with starting an enterprise.  There are many reasons for this, but the most important at the outset is to secure funding.  Without a solid plan that shows you have done the research and taken the steps to be successful, no lender in the world will give you the handout you need to get your business off the ground.  After all, they want their investment back at some point.  But keep in mind that this plan must be flexible.  Running a business is anything but static and you need to start with a plan that accounts for just about anything so that you are prepared when changes occur.
  2. The wrong funding.  Most people generally assume that this means a lack of funding.  And this is definitely a problem for a lot of startups.  But considering how many potential sources of funding are out there, you have a lot of options to explore.  The bigger problem is business ventures that choose the wrong type of funding.  For example, you may have an incredible idea that comes with the possibility of rapid expansion.  This could attract the interest of a venture capital firm that is willing to give you millions in startup funds.  Most business owners would jump at the opportunity, but you should beware.  If you want the opportunity to grow with your business by making your own decisions, you should know that anyone willing to hand over that kind of capital is going to want a say in where it goes, so you could quickly find yourself strung up like a marionette at the whims of your financiers.
  3. Bad location.  Surprisingly, this applies not only to brick-and-mortar operations, but also to online ventures.  While “real” world shops have to consider traffic and demographics (as well as the cost of a lease), those that operate online have other concerns related to their web space.  You need to ensure that your website is well hosted, meaning easy to find (a great domain name) and always available (no interruptions in service and the bandwidth to accommodate a growing user base).
  4. Insufficient DIY.  There’s a lot you can do on your own to save money at the outset, so if you’re paying others to do everything, you are wasting money!  Of course, it’s even worse if you try to tackle jobs that you have not prepared for through education or training.  So take the time to gain the knowledge you need to do some tasks yourself, and hire people only when an expert hand is needed to get the job done.
  5. Lack of branding.  Your business sign, logo, and advertising are all part of creating your brand image, but there’s a lot more to the concept, including how you comport yourself with customers and clients and what you give back to the community that supports you.  If you haven’t considered how your actions reflect upon your business then you could be creating a negative brand association without even realizing that you’ve engaged in branding yourself.